Pan-seared Squid with PRI flaky sea salt.
In the month or so since my conversation with David Noll, founder of Pacific Resources International, purveyor of fine sea salts and manuka honey, there's been a lot of cooking and eating going on. It's amazing how such a seemingly simple ingredient like salt can really enhance a dish by highlighting different flavors or providing a greater dimension of savoriness. I can't go so far as to say that salt can make or break your dinner, but a high-purity brand can certainly render your meal more memorable. Although I am still not done experimenting with PRI's diverse line of salts, I would like to report some notable successes. The flaky sea salt heightened the brine and piquancy of squid pan-seared in lemon olive oil.
Dress those pretzels with some good salt.
And, if you're going to take the time to make your own soft pretzel, you sure as hell better garnish them with some salt.
Australian Lamb Chops
When your in-laws from Up North come to visit, we served them lamb chops from Down Under seasoned with PRI fine Pacific Sea Salt to take the unctuous ovine cuts to the next level.
Spaghetti carbonara likewise benefited from a slight dusting of the fine salt, playing well with the (much heavier) dusting of parmigiano-reggiano and bacon.
What's next? Well, with summer fast approaching, I'm thinking margaritas rimmed with coarse salt, grilled meats prepped with mesquite salt, and ice cream drowned in (what else?) salted caramel sauce. Thanks to PRI, I can continue my culinary variations on a theme.