Not the meatball my nonna made but maybe even better.
On top of some pita/All covered with ghee/I lost my poor meatball/When somebody sneezed
-Old Syrian Boy Scout Song
In an attempt to roll with the punches last week at work, I decided to embrace spherical foods, my savory favorite of which is the meatball. I like 'em big, juicy, and slightly rare. Again, I'm talking about meatballs.
I found a recipe on for "Dawood Basha", which by the parenthetical that followed implied can be roughly translated as "meatball." But I wouldn't know because I don't speak Arabic. YET. Below is a slightly modified version.
Uncooked meatballs ready for their close-up.
1 pound beef or lamb
2 cups your husband's homemade spaghetti sauce
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped parsley
1/2 tablespoon Baharat (Syrian Spice Mix)*
1/2 cup sesame seeds
Olive oil or ghee