Oh, if it were possible to meander safely through the Syrian desert with a pig.
In a few months it will be truffle season and I'm not talking the sweet cocoa kind but rather terfeziaceae, a species of mushroom common to hot, dry regions of the Middle East and Mediterranean.
Naturally brain-washed by V-day advertising, I had originally intended to do a search on the double "s" variety. Thanks to my broken laptop keyboard, I acquired new-found knowledge of desert truffles from resources like this terrific NYT article and the ever-informed Syrian Foodie. I now have a new favorite fungus even if I haven't actually tasted it. Apparently, the flavor of kemeh is heartier and less delicate than that of European truffles.
Mrs. Google suggests that Tazah Foods makes a canned variety that is available stateside. Hit me up if you spot them in any Houston markets. I'll be on the lookout.