Dining at Naranj
Today of all days Facebook reminded me that six years ago around this time I was in Damascus for the wedding of my dear friends Fahad and Lena. The food was plentiful and all of it delicious. Today, also, I encountered absolutely devastating images of Syrian children on the brink of starvation due to the embargo on food aid into the country during the war.
Part of my motivation for writing this blog on Syrian food right now is a pathetic attempt to combat my grief over the destruction of a country and people that are not are even my own but for whom I feel great affection. But I also want people to know and recognize the richness and value of Syria and its people by displaying just one dimension of its culture: the food.
Lunch at home of my friend in Damascus.
I am a mediocre cook at best. I will probably fail miserably 60% of the time in my attempts to replicate authentic Syrian cuisine. (If my husband, who has successfully mastered many Middle Eastern dishes, helps me that percentage may decrease to 30%.) Regardless, it will be an adventure. Comments and suggestions welcome.