Still So Yum As A Certain Someone Would Say
STELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!, I yelped to no one in particular. Flash back to this past weekend, when I attempted to make pecan sandies using (Stella) Parks’ Bravetart, the newest addition to my out-of-control cookbook collection.
Although my mom, as I have oft noted, made some killer chocolate chip cookies, she also wasn’t adverse to purchasing packaged cookies, especially those vended by the playful Keebler Elves, whose treehouse villa just has to exist somewhere. #dreambig
And despite the fact that I generally loathe nuts in cookies, I have many fond memories of nibbling on Pecan Sandies while reading L.M. Montgomery. Something about the shortbread studded with buttery bits of hickory nut felt appropriate for tales of Anne and Avonlea.
Thus, homemade pecan sandies seemed the perfect way to break in Bravetart, but for some reason what I removed from the oven after following the directions in painstaking fashion resembled pancakes more than cookies.
My husband did not believe me. “You have to have messed up something with the ingredients.” I stuck to my story about following the recipe.
It turns out, we were both right. Yes, I adhered to every last detail of recipe, and in so doing, I unwittingly added too much butter because there was an error in the text! And that’s not fake news.
A Lovely Birthday Gift From My Dear Friend Alicia.