The mushrooms grow right in the box! I mean, the box within the box.
A few weeks before Christmas the folks at Back to the Roots contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing their grow-your-own mushroom farm. In addition to offering healthful "Ready to Eat" products, the most interesting of which is organic purple corn flakes, Back to the Roots also vends a line of "Ready to Grow" kits, including the aforementioned mushroom farm, "garden in a jar," and a self-watering tomato planter.
Clearly these generous people don't know me too well. While my husband is extremely adept at cultivating all sorts of flora, I am famous for my ability to kill even the hardiest botanical species. Let's hope having a green thumb is a dominant trait or else there's little hope for our kids.
With the new year I was feeling emboldened about Trying Things I Historically Suck At and decided to give the kit a go. And, lo and behold, I surprised myself.
It's alive!!!