I have covered 3 Brothers Bakery's delicious baked good developments for years. I regularly write positively about the Bakery for the simple reason that they consistently produce quality cookies, cakes, pies, and breads executed often in creative sophisticated fashion but always without pretension.
To say I have a "favorite" item on their menu is a lie, but on my birthday, I would like to spotlight the amazing and sometimes over-looked hamantaschen. Though traditionally made and served at Purim, 3 Brothers vends hamantaschen in various flavors (prune, apricot, lemon, cherry) year-round. Buttery, soft dough forms the base for the triangular pocket into which a generous dollop of sweet fruit nectar is ladled. A brief stint in the oven renders the cookie surface slightly crunchy, the interior warm and flaky, and the jam vibrant, warm, and comforting. Pair three or four with a cup of tea, turn off CNN, and count your blessings.